We are Working to Permanently Restore Earth’s Balance by Removing Carbon Dioxide from the Atmosphere

A VISION to Thrive on the Planet for Generations to Come.


  • RESPONSIBLE in addressing current CO2 levels by REMOVING gigatons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.  

  • ABLE to deploy industrial systems in a sustainable and responsible manner. 

Our technology is a BiCRS : DAC Synergy

It is an interdisciplinary, patented process that captures CO2 from atmospheric AND biogenic sources …

and sequesters it safely for millennia.

  • It operates at room temperature, no additional energy/heat required

  • It is cost effective and uses waste streams as inputs

  • It is adaptive in its deployment capabilities

So, what is Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)?

Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) is the intentional, human-driven process of removing carbon dioxide (CO2) that is already in the atmosphere and storing it away for centuries or longer. It is an indispensable complement to deep emissions cuts across the economy, because even after society reaches net-zero emissions, there will still be a need to pull billions of tonnes of CO2 out of the atmosphere to meet global temperature targets.

— Carbon Removal Canada, 2024

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